

comp.lang.ada Usenet forum and the Team_Ada Listserve. Phil Thornley deserves extra credit for his detailed reading of the manuscript and many corrections. Special thanks goes to Ed Colbert for his careful study of some of my program examples.

* first attempt at update * filling out xlang project list * minor fixes * Update Co-authored-by: Kenny Kerr Co-authored-by: Ben Kuhn Co-authored-by: Kenny Kerr comp.lang.ada; compiler confusion, overloading and "subtype mark required in this context" February 7 th 2021 at 09:15 comp.lang.ada | There are new articles available, click to refresh the page. comp.lang.ada The venerable Ada news group. A searchable archive that doesn’t involve Google and goes back to 1982 can be found at https: Newsgroup discussion on comp.lang.ada. February 11, 1994. Subject: Constructor in ADA9X. E Edwards, S. - 1990 An Approach for Constructing Reusable Software comp.lang.ada from Google - Ada questions and answers-- Dr. Okie's Home Page Last modified: comp.lang.ada: Is it acceptable to post job openings to this newsgroup?


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Bonjour, J'ai installé GSP et AdaGide sur un poste en XP pro. 1/ GPS L'installation s'est, semble t-il, bien passée sauf que lorsque je lance la compilation, il ne se passe rien. Usenet newsgroup: news:comp.lang.ada. An Ada grammar including a lex scanner and yacc parser is available. E-mail: . Another yacc grammar and parser for Ada by Herman Fischer. An LR parser and pretty-printer for Ada from NASA is available from the Ada Software Repository.

See full list on


A searchable archive that doesn’t involve Google and goes back to 1982 can be found at https: Newsgroup discussion on comp.lang.ada. February 11, 1994. Subject: Constructor in ADA9X. E Edwards, S. - 1990 An Approach for Constructing Reusable Software comp.lang.ada from Google - Ada questions and answers-- Dr. Okie's Home Page Last modified: comp.lang.ada: Is it acceptable to post job openings to this newsgroup?


2013 March 16, Shark8, “Re: Is this expected behavior or not”, in comp.lang.ada, Usenet, message-ID : Ah, things get tricky here; Unicode is kind of a bear when you consider 'characters' because its codepoints aren't necessarily characters.


105 replies Feasibility of using Ada in new development. started 3/27/2014 comp.lang.ada Topics dealing with the language Ada (See also FAQ). comp.sw.components Software component announcements. comp.object Topics dealing with Object Oriented Programming .

E Edwards, S. - 1990 An Approach for Constructing Reusable Software WisiToken is discussed either on the Ada mode mailing list, or the newsgroup comp.lang.ada. mailing list archive. Please report bugs both to the mailing list and to the Emacs bug list or Emacs debbugs.


In computer programming, an opaque pointer is a special case of an opaque data type, a data type declared to be a pointer to a record or data structure of some unspecified type.. Opaque pointers are present in several programming languages including Ada, C, C++, D and Modula-2.. If the language is strongly typed, programs and procedures that have no other information about an opaque pointer The huge majority of the comp.lang.ada messages are Ada specific, and many are from people supporting Ada, so that all threads developing on c.l.a end up dealing with Ada. Cross-posting should be used with caution and careful thought, for various reasons: comp.lang.ada; compiler confusion, overloading and "subtype mark required in this context" February 7 th 2021 at 09:15 comp.lang.ada | There are new articles available, click to refresh the page. comp.lang.ada The venerable Ada news group. A searchable archive that doesn’t involve Google and goes back to 1982 can be found at https: comp.lang.ada from Google - Ada questions and answers-- Dr. Okie's Home Page Last modified: Newsgroup discussion on comp.lang.ada.

Мы публикуем русскоязычные материалы по (Crossposted to comp.lang.ada, because of the Ada to Java-bytecode project) Thanks for your informations and comments, Michel--Post a followup to this … 4/2/2019 Just curious if anyone else here is participating in this year's Advent of Code, and particularly interested if anyone else is using Ada (I'm using it in addition to Common Lisp this year). Why Ada is failing - comp.lang.ada #4245. Quote: >> This Ada record C structure incompatibility also causes problems if I try to use >In both cases, the need for structures abounded - as did the need for _lists_ of >C usage? We did take the opportunity to resolve C macro expansions in C - I would be thankful if someone crossposts this to comp.lang.ada since I have no access to a news server listing it anymore, and I won't create an account somewhere just for this announcement. 7 comments. share. save.


A0=gnat-osx; GMANE newsgroup : macosx (mirrors GNAT-OSX, but serves better: RSS, NNTP, threaded view,  27 Mar 2014 comp FAQs By Newsgroup. comp.lang.ada · comp.lang.apl comp.lang. pascal.delphi.announce · comp.lang.pascal.delphi.components. 3 Nov 1992 comp.lang.ada -Discussion about Ada*. comp.lang.apl -Discussion about APL. comp.lang.asm370 -Programming in IBM System/370 Assembly WznDluO9kFA https://groups.  19 Sep 2018 Hi! Is anyone using (recently) the win-64 bit compiler found in msys2 for windows ?

Its a bit like: Mar 27, 2014 · _____ 10: Credits The following persons have contributed, directly or indirectly through e.g. comp.lang.ada, to the information gathered in this FAQ (which was managed by the AdaIC before August 1994): Stéphane Barbey, John Barnes, Moti Ben-Ari, Heddy Boubaker, Carl Bowman, David Bulman, Susan Carlson, G. Vincent Castellano, Cyrille Comar Independent of Ada on LLVM (which is yearned for occasionally here at comp.lang.ada), lists MIPS as a supported architecture.

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Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada. Dear Members of the Ada Community: On Thursday, 30 October 2008, the 2008. SIGAda Awards will be presented in a.

You can even post directly from google. GNAT is a free Ada compiler by The Free Software Foundation (FSF).

Jan 24, 2011 · comp.lang.ada Usenet forum and the Team_Ada Listserve. Phil Thornley deserves extra credit for his detailed reading of the manuscript and many corrections.

Grok 2003-11-20 16:59:48 UTC. Trey Walpole 2003-11-20 17:10:02 2013 March 16, Shark8, “Re: Is this expected behavior or not”, in comp.lang.ada, Usenet, message-ID : Ah, things get tricky here; Unicode is kind of a bear when you consider 'characters' because its codepoints aren't necessarily characters. the comp.lang.ada Internet newsgroup. Ada 95 standard to support the development of safety-critical software.

In computer programming, an opaque pointer is a special case of an opaque data type, a data type declared to be a pointer to a record or data structure of some unspecified type.. Opaque pointers are present in several programming languages including Ada, C, C++, D and Modula-2.. If the language is strongly typed, programs and procedures that have no other information about an opaque pointer The huge majority of the comp.lang.ada messages are Ada specific, and many are from people supporting Ada, so that all threads developing on c.l.a end up dealing with Ada. Cross-posting should be used with caution and careful thought, for various reasons: comp.lang.ada; compiler confusion, overloading and "subtype mark required in this context" February 7 th 2021 at 09:15 comp.lang.ada | There are new articles available, click to refresh the page. comp.lang.ada The venerable Ada news group. A searchable archive that doesn’t involve Google and goes back to 1982 can be found at https: comp.lang.ada from Google - Ada questions and answers-- Dr. Okie's Home Page Last modified: Newsgroup discussion on comp.lang.ada. February 11, 1994.