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ViaMichelin offers 110 options for Znojmo. Booking is fast and completely free of charge. The advantages of booking your room on ViaMichelin include: establishment locations featured on ViaMichelin maps, option to book a MICHELIN Guide hotel or to display MICHELIN points of interest near your accommodation (tourist sites, MICHELIN Guide listed restaurants). (Aoa) and (aon) networks 1. Project Management Dr. Mahmoud Abbas Mahmoud Asst. Prof. 2016 - 2017 Activity on Arrow (AOA) and Activity on Node (AON) Networks 1 COOH COOH │ NADH+H+—→NAD + │ C=O ———————————→ HO– C–H │ Lactate dehydrogenase │ CH3 CH3 Pyruvic acid Lactic acid 16.